Windows control, which
displays a property list.
The control is not in-place editable, so all the property values are read-only.
To use it, place a listbox control on your dialog.
Add a member variable to your dialog implementation file...
CPropertyView m_ctlList
In the OnInitDialog()
event handler, add the following line:
LRESULT OnInitDialog(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lP...
The control must have the LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE
flag set so
it can draw its own items. In addition the flags LBS_SORT
are removed, because they would interfere
with the drawing.
Source Code Dependencies
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0Microsoft WTL 3.0 Library
See Also
Sample application, where the control is usedMy more advanced Property List control
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